Every once in a while I have a breaker trip when I'm not home.
I have a series of computers running cpu intensive programs and sometimes alt coins which can also be hogs :-). At times there is a huge surge in power consumption and the breakers trip.
Right now the system goes from
the computer's PSUpower supply unit to a
wemo which in turn is connected to an
outlet which goes directly to the circuit breaker.
A wemo (Belkin Wemo)Belkin Wemo is a device that can be accessed remotely and can be used to turn an outlet on or off. My wemos are connected to a laptop which allows me to turn on devices remotely.
Every once in a while the circuit breaker trips and I have to wait until I get home to flip things back on. Usually this doesn't matter but if I'm away for a few days it does.
I'm looking for a solution.
I'm thinking about a "something" that would be tripped if there is a surge and I can use a wemo to flip back on. The wemo would be on another circuit.
Computer (PSU) -----> "something"
If there is a surge the "something" trips (not the circuit breaker). I'll have a wemo pinging this "something." If there is no response for x seconds then the wemo shuts it off and turns it back on, effectively resetting the "something."