I've been given a sailboat which is in a significant level of disrepair. Hooray, projects!
The problem I'm currently facing is that there's no water pressure, even when I turn on the switch that gives power to the water pump.
I took a multimeter to the wires that feed into my water pump, and I seem to be getting 12 volts there. That then leaves the problem somewhere past those wires. I'm pretty clueless on how to run it down, though.
Shurflo has part lists here:a http://www.shurflo.com/files/4-Content/Marine-Division/SHURflo-Marine-Content/Marine-home-page/Pump-Repair-Kits/2901-3901%20Replacement%20Parts.pdfparts list (PDF) so if you know what's busted you can order individual pieces.
How can I diagnose this? I have lots of time but little in the way of financial resources. I also have little background knowledge but I'm keen to learn.
Book recommendations are more than welcome if you know any. I don't really know what this kind of repair is called, tho.