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Post Closed as "off topic" by The Evil Greebo, Niall C., Chris Cudmore, BMitch
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Alternatives to Belkin WeMo What options are available for controlling electrical devices over WiFi?

I've been looking on how to control power outlets through wifi and I've only found Belkin's WeMoBelkin's WeMo. Are there any alternatives?

Alternatives to Belkin WeMo

I've been looking on how to control power outlets through wifi and I've only found Belkin's WeMo. Are there any alternatives?

What options are available for controlling electrical devices over WiFi?

I've been looking on how to control power outlets through wifi and I've only found Belkin's WeMo. Are there any alternatives?

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Alternatives to Belkin WeMo

I've been looking on how to control power outlets through wifi and I've only found Belkin's WeMo. Are there any alternatives?