I am using luminous solar nxg 1100 solar inverter. InAt my home, I have 4 fans, one tv, 10 led lights, 3 laptops and a desktop. All the equipments work fine when there is main supply. If there is no main power, everything works fine if I do not connect the CPUdestop . But as soon as I connect my cpudesktop ,all led light starts flickering.First I thought, it may be the overload problem of the inverter. But later I see if I switch ofoff all the lights,disconnect all laptops & Tv, after that if I connect only a single lightan LED of 12 watt and the cpu, itthe led starts flickering. The problem is not with the CPU. I have seen in the internet that this problem occurs with CPUflickering only starts when cpudesktop is powered by inverter. I could not find any proper solution. If anyone came accross this issue, plaese help me what should I do? Also this problem occurs when I use an INTERACTIVE FLAT PANNEL TO MY INVERTER.