New information##
I did a little research into other methods for creating topographical maps of my yard. The classic method is to use a theodolite, poles, a tape and plumb bobs. The theodolite is just a telescope that registers tilt and pan (pitch and yaw if you like) very accurately. Now days, people use totaling stations which measure pitch and yaw, and distance all at once, which are spherical coordinates, from which you get 3D coordinates after a little arithmetic. That’s exactly what I’m doing with my laser tape and phone. I’ve added a photo of the set up.
I think the best accuracy you can expect with this flimsy setup in on the order of a few inches. The problems are mainly two.
- Compass errors.
- Alignments and rigidity.
The laser tape is pretty good, fractions of an inch, and the pitch measurement is pretty good, .1 deg or so. The compass is pretty bad. The sensor in the phone drifts pretty fast and is easily perturbed by any ferrous metal or electronics, thus the roughly 12” separation between the phone and the laser tape. Unfortunately, the separation made my setup pretty flimsy.
But, it does give me a usable picture of my back yard.
This data was collected in the dark, raining, and the phone was right next to the laser tape. It could be greatly improved by using the phone only for pitch, and adding a better compass, and a more ridged platform and by doing some cursory alignments between the laser and pitch axis of the tripod.
I ran several more accuracy tests by picking some points around my yard and inside my house where I could calculate point positions and separation distances with my set up, then compare with direct laser tape measurements.
With phone, laser tape and camera tripod, with a stiffer mount for the laser and phone, and with the laser aligned with the pitch axis on the tripod, it looks like you could get about +/-8” in the horizontal plane, and +/-1” vertically at 20’.
Swap out the phone compass for a protractor and the errors reduced to +/-1” in 3D. I used a carpenter’s sight level as my protractor that reads in degrees.
Broke down and bought a used theodolite ($260) and the errors reduced to about +/-3/8” in 3D. And this I would attribute to the fact I was holding the laser tape by hand over the theodolite, trying to position the back of the tape at the center of rotation of the viewer, and point at the spot I was looking at through the viewer.
If you were to ask me how to create a topo map of your yard, I’d suggest the laser tape, smart phone, and carpenter’s level, one that allows you to pitch and yaw and read angles. Transit levels are giving way to the laser levels so you can get them on ebay for under $100.