- space 1,3 50A ??????
- space 5,7 50A air conditioner (a little large? Maybe a heat pump with aux heat?)
- space 9,11 50A the subpanel below
- space 2,4 40A range/oven
- space 6,8 30A ?? likely an. electric electric dryer
- space 10,12 30A water heater
As far as the subpanel areaAs far as the subpanel area, your service is 50A, but hold that thought.
EDIT: You could also pop off the panel cover and inspect (carefully, from a respectful distance) the fat wires landing on the main lugs at the top of your panel. Look for a size number right before the letters "AWG". Expect 2, 1, 0, 00, 000, 0000, 1/0, 2/0, 3/0, 4/0 (these are the same as 0 thru 0000). Or right before the letters "MCM" or "KCMIL" expect 250, 300, 350, 400 or 500. Those wires come from your meter and will inform the size of your service, as these are the wires that will burn your house down if you overload them.
EDIT: Your other limiting factor is the capacity of the panel. Search it for marks as to its maximum capacity in amps, typically 100, 125, 150, 200 or 225. Exceeding this is out of the question.
Keep in mind you only have 5 breakers in the "Rule of Six" area and you are full. You can get CH breakers up to 100A ($50) or 125A ($110) in the normal shape (which would force you to abandon one large appliance)... or 150+ amps in "Beast"beast mode" packaging, where the breaker is 4 spaces wide (elimintating twoeliminating two large appliances, ouch).
The problem with the "Rule of Six" design is there is bo main breakerthere is no main breaker to keep you honest, so nothing really keeps you from putting in six oversize breakers, maxing all of them,large things and setting your electric meter on fireoverloading the circuit and burning those wires. That's why Rule of Six was outlawed. You can't buy a panel like that today, and you shouldn't continue this one in service any longer than you have to. Dismantle it lovingly, and offer it up on eBay. It'll save someone's bacon. But only sell it to a licensed electrician.
CH is a fine panelEDIT: Alternately 2 or 3 subpanels, outside ofas I would not be inclined to pay the serious defect ofbig bucks for the 150A jumbo breaker.
I am very picky about panel brands. CH is a fine type (other than this one being "Rule of Six"), and I would even consider CH for my new subpanel. Reuse all your breakers!
itIt needn't be done in one sitting. Find a period when you can do without enough loads out of the Rule of Six area to make room for the new breaker (like A/C in winter). Once you wire up the new panel, at that point both panels are live, and you can move the other loads at your leisure, one per Saturday or whatever works for you.
Edit: Your Loads
100A @ 240V is more power than 100A @ 120V. Wow, it's super obvious when you say it like that, right? But because of the odd way we do split-phase, it can be really hard to conceptualize.
You say in comments you want 8 heaters for a total of 100A. True, eight "1500W" heaters nominally 12.5A are exactly 100A. However, they are 100A at 120V. Now if we were to feed those from a dedicated subpanel, it gets a little weird. The subpanel is 240V/120V split, with two "legs" (properly, "poles") of 120V. Ideally, you would put four heaters on each pole, so the panel is balanced. How many amps are on each 120V pole? Bingo. And as long as the panel is balanced, that's all the 240V service you need to that panel.