Questions tagged [frame]

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Flip a door frame?

I have a door that opens right to left into a room. I want it to instead open left to right out of the room. In other words, flip the door. Is there a way to do this that preserves the existing ...
Rob's user avatar
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Chip on the door frame [duplicate]

Someone hit the door frame with the vacuum cleaner and caused a chip. It is made with solid material. The door frame is in the bathroom area so the floor will be getting mopped frequently. Is this an ...
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How to repair door trim that was chewed by dog

My brother's dog chewed/scratched my door frame in our apartment and I was looking for tips on how to fix this ourselves without hiring someone before we decide to move out, the apartment is pretty ...
Michelle's user avatar
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2 answers

DIY door frame pull-up bar

I came to posses an amazing, strong metal alloy bar that would fit my door frame perfectly! I'd like to turn this into a pull-up bar and hang it onto the frame. What is the name of the things that I ...
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