Questions tagged [flange]

A flange is typically a flat part (rim) at the end of a pipe to allow attachment to the pipe itself. Common to drain pipes, like toilets. Use with the [plumbing] tag. Use with [toilet] or [pipe] as needed.

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19 votes
3 answers

How do I replace this cast iron toilet flange?

I have a big old gawd awful cast iron (at least I think it's cast iron, the house was built in 1940) toilet flange that is in sorry shape. See? There will never be a better time to replace it - as ...
The Evil Greebo's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

How proud can a toilet flange sit above the floor?

Related to How do I replace this cast iron toilet flange? I've removed the cast iron and am dry fitting the replacement parts. I used a 4" - 3" reducing coupling, 3" pvc and a 3" 90 to line up where ...
The Evil Greebo's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Is my toilet flange too high off the ground?

Recently had my floors redone in a bathroom and the toilet flange seems to be a little high off the new tile floor. What are my options?
Eric Cantona's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

How can I secure this faucet: the pipe is not secured inside the wall

The pipe leading to this exterior faucet was apparently never secured inside the wall (contractor mistake when the wall was built): So it pulls in and out in use, and no doubt lets rain water drip ...
Bryce's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

How do I fix this toilet flange?

Basically there is a PVC flange that was glued to the inside of the pipe. The problem was that the metal flange that was on the outside was so completely bent that the bolts no longer stayed inside. ...
Element Zero's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a problem with this toilet flange or flange installation?

We have had all sorts of problems with our toilet (the builder and plumber have been out five times). Leaking issues, toilet rocking back and forth, wax rings installed incorrectly. My question is, ...
thecoolmacdude's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How do I use the 4 screws (not the bolts) that come with the flange extender when the floor is concrete slab?

I have this flange extender and as you can see it comes with four screws that probably can be used when there is wood floor (main or upper level floor). I am installing this in the basement and the ...
MiniMe's user avatar
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