Questions tagged [extension]

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31 votes
7 answers

Extension cord and power strip safety

I've heard that there are some safety and building code issues involved with using extension cords or power strips (surge protectors) for anything other than temporary use. What are the issues, and ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Can I extend an electrical ground wire with a copper wire crimp?

I am working with an electrical socket and I need extra length on the ground wire. It doesn't seem unreasonable that I can attach an extra three inches to the existing one and attach it with a copper ...
oscilatingcretin's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How could this "extension cord" ever be sold? [closed]

OK, I know this isn't a DIY question, but had to ask it and to point out the horrible things that get sold. Who in their right mind would use this? It completely bypasses all safety mechanisms. ...
George Anderson's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

220v extension cord

I have a 220v tanning bed. The bed has a 4ft cord ; need to extend another 10 feet to reach 220v dryer outlet . The bed came with a homemade extension, but plug doesn't fit our outlet. Homemade ...
Char's user avatar
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