I had a 40 year-old, asphalt shingled, hip roof (14x18) over a concrete patio that had 4 posts w/footings that supported it in a line opposite the house. The footings, that are still there and were not disturbed in the roof demolition, are about 6' apart. Could I use those footings to support a beam for a ground-level deck?
The ledgerboard will not be attached to the house but just will lay on the concrete patio (which is very stable). Then there's a significant slope to the footings (8" over 12'). My thought is to lay a beam on short blocks across the footings to raise the outer edge of the deck in order to get a less drastic slope.
Then from the beam, I'd extend the deck another 6' and use pier blocks to support the outer edge of that portion.
Does this sound like a good idea? Any and all comments are welcome.